Happy Mother’s Day
Cheers to all the moms out there! Mother’s day is always a special day at the winery, and we are always honored when Layton’s Chance is chosen to make your mom feel special. We will be open for pick up orders but will miss being able to spend time with everyone!
This year’s Mother’s Day has such a paradox to it! Many moms are pulling double duty
everywhere, being mom, teacher, and working all from home, but yet celebrating them is more challenging than ever! This year everyone has to stretch their creative muscles. This is why we are offering wine delivery, and many other establishments have tried to come up with packages that help fill this need!

Luckily, moms love some old traditional things like spending time with family, so try organizing a family zoom call on Sunday. Homemade gifts and letters are always great, especially one’s that her know what some of your favorite memories were as a kid and how she made them special!
However you do it, just let mom know you love her. That is what she wants the most!
Jen Layton